Flooding is a significant concern in the Upper Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin).
Between 2020 and 2024, there were 14 major disaster declarations for flooding in this region. The financial impact has been substantial, with individual assistance during this period totaling $1,319,527,040, public assistance totaling $117,537,195, and hazard mitigation funds amounting to $17,525,769.
State emergency management agencies are responsible for developing state-specific emergency plans, conducting training and exercises, and managing state-level disaster response resources. When a disaster strikes, they oversee the immediate response to the disaster and coordinate disaster response and recovery efforts with local jurisdictions within the state. Additionally, state emergency management agencies advise governors on whether to request a Presidential Disaster Declaration based on assessments of the disaster’s severity and the state’s capacity to respond.
If pursuing a Presidential Disaster Declaration is necessary, the governor of the affected state must make a formal request. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — the organization that coordinates disaster response and recovery efforts nationwide — then conducts a preliminary damage assessment to evaluate the extent of the disaster, its impact on individuals and public facilities, and the type of federal assistance needed. If the disaster’s impact is deemed to be beyond the state’s capabilities, the president can declare a disaster, enabling the state to apply for federal assistance. FEMA advises the president on the issuance of Presidential Disaster Declarations based on assessments of the disaster’s impact and the need for federal assistance. Once a declaration is made, FEMA provides financial and logistical support to state and local governments during federally declared disasters and emergencies and administers federal funding to facilitate those efforts.
Communities have funding program options when it comes to disaster recovery. They also have funding options to pay for disaster preparedness and protection. Generally speaking, the disaster recovery funds require a Presidential Disaster Declaration while the preparedness and protection programs do not.
Reduction and Readiness Funding Programs
Reduction and readiness funding programs do not require a Presidential Disaster Declaration. Their primary objectives are to identify and analyze long-term risks to human life and property from hazards — and to develop plans, policies, and procedures to mitigate risk and respond to emergencies.
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC): BRIC focuses on proactive investments in community resilience, encouraging capability-building, community innovation, and large-scale risk reduction projects. BRIC funds can be used for infrastructure investments, tornado shelters, flood levees, stormwater systems, and more.
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA): FMA aims to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to structures insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Eligible projects include flood control, acquisition and demolition of flood-prone structures, and elevating or reconstructing structures to be hazard-resistant.
Response and Recovery Funding Programs
Response and recovery funding programs do require a Presidential Disaster Declaration. Their primary objectives are to take action immediately before, during, or directly after an emergency to save lives, protect property, and help communities recover — and to coordinate efforts and processes to bring about the immediate, medium-term, and long-term regeneration of a community following an emergency.
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP): HMGP provides funds to reduce disaster losses and help communities recover from emergencies. Funds are available in areas with a Presidential Disaster Declaration and a locally adopted hazard mitigation plan. Projects can include retrofitting buildings, purchasing hazard-prone property, and improving infrastructure
FEMA Public Assistance Program (PA): The PA program provides funds to state, tribal, territorial, and local governments and eligible private non-profit organizations to respond to and recover from major emergencies or natural disasters. Projects are categorized as Emergency (e.g., debris removal, emergency protective measures) or Permanent (e.g., reconstruction of infrastructure, public buildings, utilities).

Construction of a new dam after a massive flooding event in Lake Delton, Wisconsin.
Program Applications and Requirements
States, tribes, and U.S. territories may apply directly to FEMA for funding. Private property owners, local governments, and non-profit organizations must apply through their state or territory. FEMA funding programs are reimbursement grants, so recipients must first incur costs and then submit them for reimbursement. Accurate and thorough record-keeping is essential to ensure maximum reimbursement.
Grant recipients must maintain detailed records of all expenses incurred during disaster response and recovery. This includes time records for staff, contracted labor, and volunteers — documenting hours worked, activities performed, and hourly rates, including benefits. Additionally, it is crucial to keep comprehensive records of equipment used with detailed descriptions, activities, dates, and hours of use. Materials consumed should also be meticulously documented, including purchase prices, quantities, locations, and purposes of use. By maintaining such detailed records, grant recipients can facilitate the reimbursement process and ensure that all eligible expenses are accounted for.
By understanding and utilizing these programs, communities can better prepare for, respond to, and recover from flooding events, ensuring a more resilient future.