This $2.1-million project included the full reconstruction of Margaret Street, a vital urban collector in the Village of Rothschild, part of the greater Wausau metropolitan area. The project scope was multi-faceted and included plat development, 38 parcels of real estate acquisition, separated multi-use path accommodations, flood mitigation, stormwater quality treatment via four ponds, and improvements to the Village of Weston’s water and sanitary sewer utilities.
The roadway pavement condition along Margaret Street was rapidly deteriorating, and the neighborhood was also experiencing substantial flooding along the corridor. MSA utilized a combination of rural and urban street cross sections throughout various areas of the project to accommodate critical stormwater improvements. A new storm sewer system now provides conveyance for stormwater runoff while a series of three new ponds provides rate control and water quality treatment for the area, before flows are passed to the downstream creek. A portion of the creek along Margaret Street was also relocated and constructed with existing stream sediment and natural rocks and logs to provide habitat and restore it to its natural appearance.
Natural materials were used wherever possible in order to aesthetically place project features within adjacent wooded lots and the surrounding environment. This included the selection of natural boulder walls to retain pond slopes, and cut slopes needed for construction of a new multi-use path.
The street portion of the project was funded in part with a WisDOT Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Municipal Street Improvement Discretionary (MSID) grant. The project secured $562,499 in MSID funding and included over 3,400 feet of street improvements.
MSA coordinated significant public engagement efforts with all stakeholders specifically throughout topographic survey, conceptual design alternate development, final design, and real estate acquisition. Coordination and updates were also provided throughout construction to keep residents up to speed on what impacts the project might have to their daily lives during the various project construction phases.
The result is a much needed and vastly improvement transportation experience along Margaret Street, with updates to stormwater systems that will better serve and protect the community as it continues to grow and thrive.