MSA congratulates MSA Team Leader and Professional Land Surveyor Jeff DeMuth—and the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Work Group—for recently receiving a 2019 Community-University Partnership Award from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. These awards recognize the work of UW-Madison faculty, staff, students and their community partners across the state of Wisconsin as they work together to address important public issues.

L to R: Jeff DeMuth, PLS-MSA/WSLS; Howard Veregin, State Cartographer; Jodi Helgeson, Adams County Register of Deeds; Bryan Meyer, La Crosse County Surveyor; Chris Colney, GIS Specialist-Grant County; Joseph Mason, Chair/Professor-UW-Madison Dept. of Geography. Not pictured: Steve Geiger, Brannick Beatse, Jason Poser, Mitch Moline & Jeremiah Erickson.
The PLSS Work Group is comprised of a variety of public servant volunteers: county surveyors, land information officers, the register of deeds, WisDOT, Wisconsin state cartographer and the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors. This group, in partnership with the UW-Madison Geography Department, was created to support a key initiative: maintaining and modernizing Wisconsin’s Public Land Survey System and providing the necessary outreach and educational programming to ensure the continued investment in the system.
The partnership program is organized by the UW–Madison Office of Community Relations, Community Partnerships and Outreach (CPO) Staff Network, and the Morgridge Center for Public Service with support from the Office of the Chancellor. Selected projects are active across the state and uphold established standards of high-quality community–university partnerships that
Jeff DeMuth, the PLSS Work Group and their university partners were all recognized at a special awards dinner on June 26, 2019, as hosted by UW-Madison Chancellor, Rebecca Blank. Congratulations to all seven of the award recipients and thanks to the university for its commitment to collaborative, community-driven efforts.
This article features former MSA Team Leader, Jeff DeMuth, PLS, a 26-year employee of the firm. Curious to learn more about our surveying work? Connect with MSA’s surveying team today!
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